How to Successfully Transition into a Different Career Field with the Help of Skillhub’s Professional Resume

How to Successfully Transition into a Different Career Field with the Help of Skillhub’s Professional Resume

Transitioning into a different career field surely is intimidating and challenging. But with a well-written resume, it’s possible to succeed. A job application is a candidate’s first chance to impress a potential employer, so it should be flawless.

Don’t think a subpar resume isn’t a problem because you’ll get to compensate for it once you meet the hiring manager in person. Without a good job application, you won’t even get to the interview stage of the hiring process. So here are a few recommendations on how to successfully switch careers using a properly well-considered and polished resume.

Identify and Describe Your Transferable Skills

Before you start writing your resume, you need to identify the transferable skills and experiences to the new career field. Those are the skills that are helpful across different jobs and industries. A few examples include communication competence, problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork.

But even hard skills can be transferable, at least to an extent. Such competencies as project management, knowledge of graphic design, coding, and writing (among many others) are valued in employees in various career lines. So think long and hard about your transferable skills and make a list.

Then make sure that they come across in your application. When job seekers are switching careers, they don’t typically have much relevant experience to show off. Transferable skills can compensate for that, so focus on them and hire Austin resume writing services if you aren’t sure how to describe your capabilities well. It’ll pay off.

Research the New Career Field and Customize Your Resume

Next, you need to research the new career field. Find out what skills and experiences are required for the job you are interested in, and edit your resume to highlight the experiences and achievements that match the job requirements. Use job listings and helpful online resources to gather information about the job and industry you’re trying to get into.

Most importantly, remember that the resume should be customized to the industry and specific position one is applying for. Use your research about your new career and potential employer; tailor your job application to them. And make sure to include keywords. Otherwise, it won’t pass an ATS, and you’ll have zero chances of hearing back from recruiters.

Don’t Be Humble When Describing Your Accomplishments

A thing that a lot of job seekers don’t realize is that it’s crucial to highlight their accomplishments and not just list their past job duties. Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your skills and experience. Recruiters pay attention to those, so don’t neglect to include specific numbers.

For example, if you have managed a team, highlight how many team members you had. If you’ve successfully improved the team’s performance, include the KPI. This will help the employer see that you’re a results-oriented employee, which is valued in every industry and job.

Make Sure Your Resume Looks Professional

A resume should be well-organized and readable. Follow a professional format that is simple and scannable. And please avoid fancy yet complicated fonts (especially script fonts akin to Mistral or Brush Script). Use headings and bullet points to break up the information and ensure your contact information is clear and easy to find.

Also, as tempting as it is to include everything you’ve ever done in your resume, resist the temptation. Anything beyond two pages annoys the recruiter, who has to read through it. Keep things concise and relevant. Use short sentences, active verbs, and bullet points to describe your accomplishments and experiences.

Finally, it’s surprisingly common for job seekers to submit a poorly proofread resume with typos, spacing issues, and grammar mistakes. Don’t let this happen—a sloppy resume has cost many candidates fantastic job opportunities. After editing the resume yourself, ask a friend or family member to review it once more.

Cover Letters Are Always Welcomed

A cover letter isn’t always a mandatory part of a job application, but it never hurts to include one. Even if it’s not mentioned in the job listing, a cover letter is a chance to tell more about one’s professional accomplishments. It’s also a chance to reiterate one’s interest in the specific company or position and add a personal touch.

Recruiter surveys show that job applications that include cover letters are more memorable. Moreover, if two candidates have nearly identical skills and experience, the one who has submitted a cover letter along with their resume is more likely to be invited to an interview.

Never Underestimate the Importance of Networking

Networking isn’t optional or an afterthought; it’s integral to a successful job search. Even more so for job seekers who are switching careers and don’t know many people in their new industry yet. Attend job fairs and industry events whenever possible to meet valuable connections and learn about the industry.

If you’re an introvert who hates public events, make the most of LinkedIn. It offers tons of opportunities for networking, such as:

  1. Reach out to people to form connections. Contacting a hiring manager from your dream company is more than okay to ask for potential job openings or internships.
  2. Stay in touch with past colleagues, fellow college alums, and professors. The more people remember about you, the more likely you will get unexpected job opportunities.
  3. Join LinkedIn Groups. Recruiters and employers often monitor those.
  4. Actively participate in discussions. It’s a great way to get yourself noticed by known experts in the field and even make friends along the way.
  5. Share good content. The better one’s content is, the more likely they are to catch the eye of someone who matters in the industry they’re trying to get into.

An Afterword

A successful career transition might not be just about your resume, but a great resume makes switching careers that much easier. Identify your transferable skills and research the new career field. Next, customize the job application, highlight your accomplishments, and edit everything a few times. Include a cover letter. Also, invest in networking—it’s one of the surest ways to thrive career-wise.

By the way, you can always count on resume writing services if you need to perfect your job application.