Everybody has a dream home. A place that’s a reflection of your lifestyle and ideas. For most people, buying a home is not just another task but a dream that they might have been working for, for years. As a real estate agent or marketer, you must understand the psyche of your customers, put yourself in their show and understand every bit of what they are looking for.
How you decide to sell a property is crucial. Are you just going to show them a bunch of slides of some properties and tell them over a call as to what you have in store?
Or are you going to give them something that will help them realize how close to their dream home is the property you wish to sell?
This is where videos come in. Video is the most powerful type of content. Now combine this powerful content type with other enhancement factors such as voice and background music to sell the best properties.
How to enhance videos?
Two crucial aspects to help enhance your videos are voice overs and background music. Think of a video with no audio at all, or a video with just a piece of background music. Either of these would look similar to nothing greater than a slide show. But with an appropriate voice over, the same video can be more interactive and engaging to the viewers.
A prospective customer should be able to see their dream home, a place where a family can grow with every real estate marketing video.
Most of the text to speech online tools also offer a music library that allows you to either buy music or use it for free. These tools help enhance your existing videos into something much more persuasive. And persuasion is the ultimate goal of any real estate marketing video.
Successful real estate marketing videos can be made by understanding the correct concoction of elements that would stand out and appeal to your target audience.
How can voice over help a real estate marketing video?
While many in the industry might find it difficult to understand the importance of voice over in real estate videos. Some may think that background music is just more than enough to enhance such videos. But we are here to shed some light on how the addition of voice over, in particular, can enhance and elevate your marketing game.
A better glimpse for the potential buyer
As a real estate agent, your primary focus is on helping potential clients in finding their dream homes. While you may have a variety of homes in your database, we nudge you to show them a glimpse of the kind of properties you have in store before they can personally come in to take a look. The video should ideally help them decide if it is a house that they would even like to shortlist.
A video along with a voice over will help reiterate the visuals and also convey the beauty of the property. Every corner of the house can be paid attention to with a well-drafted script and a convincing voice. A voice over will also help convey any extra details that you wish to highlight. Every potential customer’s needs can be different, you can tweak your scripts to focus on certain aspects of the house. For instance, a potential buyer is very keen on having a bigger kitchen – you can focus on the positives of the kitchen elaborately with a voice over.
Familiarize them with the community
Buying a house is not just about the house alone but the locality also has a drastic effect on the final decision-making. Someone might be looking for a home closer to the hustle-bustle of the city while for someone else a quiet area makes more sense. These needs can keep varying among customers. voice overs allow you to give them a better glimpse of the community. Just a slideshow or video of what is around the house may not necessarily help. Instead, find ways to explain a bit more in detail. This will also make the customer feel like you have truly understood their needs.
Offer a personalized narration
As an agent who has understood the needs of your customers, put in that extra effort to make them feel heard. If they know how much you value them, they will be excited to recommend you in the future too. You can use a voice over on the property video to show how their family could grow there. For instance, you have a potential buyer couple who are currently expecting. You can show them how one corner in the house could be converted into a play area for the toddler. Using the names of the buyers extra, are some of the ways to ensure that you’re creating and sharing personalized content.
What to do next?
Now, you might be wondering how to leverage voice over in your videos. You may also wonder if this will be an expensive affair considering the kind of resources that are needed for quality production outputs. This is where the voice generators come to your rescue. They can help you create high-quality voice over content in just a few simple steps from the comfort of your respective homes.
Cost Friendly
These tools are easy to use and ensure that your resources are used most wisely. If you choose to go with a voice over artist then several other expenses may come in along with it. Apart from the artist’s fee, you will also have to pay for equipment, studio, re-takes, and post-production needs among other things. Think of the amount you may have to spend to create personalized voice overs.
In the case of a text to speech, you can simply create a few script versions wherein just the names could be changed to create content.
Realistic voices
Built on the text to speech technology, AI voice tools are great alternatives to voice over artists. Especially, as you may create multiple versions of the videos to post on social media and other platforms to market to a larger audience. Realistic text to speech tools will have great customization features that will help create an audio avatar unique to your brand and is difficult to differentiate from a voice over artist itself.
Real estate marketing videos are getting more and more popular by the day. Understanding the audience base and creating engaging and powerful videos is crucial to growing your business and being at the top of your game. We recommend that you dig deeper into how to make your content ideas more persuasive and get started by creating great concoctions of videos, voice overs and background music.